Sunday, August 13, 2017
Friday, January 27, 2017
GOLDEN TOWNS Original Game Gold Producer (Hints and Strategy Games Started Golden Towns)
“Build an amazing town and win REAL CASH! GoldenTowns is a free online game that can be played straight from a browser like Internet Explorer. The game is a town construction, political and military simulator in which virtual gold can be exchanged for real cash or for real 24k gold. ”
This game is also first game on the world which is backed up with real 24k gold.
Preliminary Instructions Play Golden Town
How to Play GoldenTowns To get the Gold / Euro.
I will explain some tips and tricks on how to start the game and how to register
This is the game which also produces Real Money MarketGlory addition, please list with Click the link below
Before you get into the game, we explain the outline of the game. The aim of this game is to mine Gold / Gold Mine Building at Lv 5.
Once you can build Gold Mine, you will get Gold every few hours. Certainly not the only way to get Gold. There are many ways to get Gold in this game as the development of your level (example: War, marketshare (stock), buying and selling gold and many more which I will explain one by one as below)
Once you finish the mini tutorial, Build Market in place as shown above. And you will get 1 house next to City Hall. .Renovasi When degradation reaches 25%.
NOTE: Do not build another building for production facilities / additional building for raw materials such as meat and vegetable farming Because Will not required at this time. building the current production is sufficient to provide all the needs of your resources to the next stage.
1. Do not operate the Iron & Clay Because You Will not Need it today.
2. Starting production of Vegetable, Meat, wood and stone buildings.
3. Use your workers when the population below 100% so you can maximize
your time in the Golden Town.
4. Create street from city hall / town leading to the Vegetable building.
5. Upgrade to lv 2 building vegetable.
6. Start of production of meat, wood and stone. If not available, then proceed to the next step.
7. Build road lv 2 from farm to city hall Meat.
8. Upgrade to Lv 2 Meat.
FAQ: Why do we prioritize improving Meat production, another addition to the building? ANSWER: Because It's cheaper to Meat produced compared to wood and stone. If you choose to upgrade another / upgraded worker, you probably will experience a shortage of materials.
9. Upgrade to a lumber mill q2. (Cheaper than stone)
10. Upgrade to q2 stone mill.
11. Upgrade Path lv 2 rightmost side of the road (7-8 tiles) from the town hall, and woke up between 3 home market in that location. (See picture above)
NOTE: In the next day or after your rest, it is recommended to follow this sequence.
12. Upgrade lv on 3 homes under the Influence MARKET.
13. Upgrade q3 street from city hall for vegetable farming.
14. Upgrade to q3 vegetable farm.
15. Build roads q3 from the farm to the city hall of meat.
16. Upgrade to Q3 farm meat.
17. Upgrade to a lumber mill q3.
18. Upgrade to 18 stone mill q3.
19. Iron plant upgrade to q2.
20. Upgrade to plant q2 clay.
21. Build roads q3 from city hall to the front of the house on the market 3. (The right side)
NOTE: It depends on your schedule so that the play could possibly happen differences (Lv 1 = 3 hours, Lv 2 = 6 hours, Lv 3 = 12 Hours) Depending on how active you are playing.
22. Build Police Station on the left side of the market. (See picture above)
23. Already constructed police station, then upgrade to q3 That They house under the influence region.
24. Upgrade to q2 market.
25. The market had been upgraded to q2, then upgrade that they house under the influence region.
26. Build a School in the left side of the Police Station.
27. School had been built, and then train police in schools.
28. Hire Police to the Police Station.
29. Q4 building roads from the town hall for vegetable farming.
30. Vegetables Upgrade to q4.
31. Build roads q4 from City Hall to farm meat.
32. Meat farming upgrades for Q4.
33. Wood Upgrade to q4.
34. Upgrade Stone for Q4.
35. Iron Upgrade to Q3.
36. Clay Upgrade to Q3.
Congrats! The main production building you upgrade to Q4, it means that you can sit back and relax because the process is 24 hours.
37. Build Firehall on the right side of the market.
38. Firehall already built, then upgrade to a police station q2. This process requires additional police to upgrade, so the train each other in school.
39. The police had been trained, then upgraded to the police station q2.
40. Upgrade under the Influence q2 police station, then hire firefighters (Firehall) at school.
41. Q4 building roads from city hall to the police station.
42. Upgrade under the Influence Firehall.
43. Upgrade Firehall to q2. (Need to hire another firefighter)
44. Already built Firehall q2, then upgrade the house under the influence region.
45. Optional: Build additional warehouse q1 # 2 (see picture above) so that you can avoid excess LV 4 resource because factories can produce 180-200 resources.
46. Destroying forests and build roads q1 in preparation for the hospital.
47. Building a hospital.
48. Hospitals already built q2, q3 and then upgrade to a police station.
49. It q3 built police station, then upgrade the area home under the influence.
50. Building a Church (Chruch).
51. Upgrade Firehall to q3.
52. Already built Firehall q3, then upgrade to a warehouse to q2.
53. Upgrade to q2 school.
54. Renting a doctor.
55. Build roads q5 from city hall to the police station.
56. Upgrade to the hospital to q2
57. Hospitals q2 already built, then upgraded home under influence region.
58. Upgrade to q3 school.
59. Hire a priest.
60. Build roads q5 from city hall for vegetable farming.
61. Upgrade to q5 vegetables.
62. Build roads q5 from the farm to the city hall of meat.
63. Upgrade to q5 meat.
64. Upgrade to q5 wood.
65. Upgrade to q5 stone.
66. Upgrade to iron q4.
67. Upgrade to q4 clay.
Congratulations! You've passed being a beginner, the next step is up to you how you will choose your play style.
You can try to build a gold mine or just continue to upgrade your city.
Hopefully this tutorial helps you use within bermanfat and are in need, and I say
Playing Congratulations and good luck,
Monday, January 23, 2017
Piazza navona ( italia )
hallo my friend world of informasi.
have you ever been in italy, was in italy there is a very beautiful place, one of which is the Piazza navona.
Piazza navona is one of the most famous buildings in rome. Piazza Navona was established towards the end of the 15th century while maintaining the shape of the stadium of domitian which was one stood here. built by the emperor domitian in 86 AD, this stadium has a large arena of the colosseum and is often used as the location of many fesvals or sporting evens.
Buildings around a square, where the audience sits. the main attractions are the trio piazza navona fountain theat adorns the square, the largest is the fontana dei quattro fiumi, built between 1647 and 1651 at the request of pope innocent X
Piazza Navona has two other fountains. At the southern end is the Fontana del Moro with a basin and four Tritons sculpted by Giacomo della Porta (1575) to which, in 1673, Bernini added a statue of a Moor, or African, wrestling with a dolphin. At the northern end is the Fountain of Neptune (1574) also created by Giacomo della Porta; the statue of Neptune, by Antonio Della Bitta, was added in 1878 to create a balance with La Fontana del Moro.
During its history, the piazza has hosted theatrical events and other ephemeral activities. From 1652 until 1866, when the festival was suppressed, it was flooded on every Saturday and Sunday in August in elaborate celebrations of the Pamphilj family. The pavement level was raised in the 19th century, and in 1869 the market was moved to the nearby Campo de' Fiori. A Christmas market is held in the piazza. receurce : wikipedia
Sunday, September 21, 2014
The way the video play dat file in android
Do you ever have difficulty to play the video with the extension dat on android dd ? the answer is probably yes , it does not support it in because the existing default video player on your android device .
The following is a step by step how to make android dd we can play the video with the extension dat :
The following is a step by step how to make android dd we can play the video with the extension dat :
1. The first way you can use buzz playe
2. two ways to those who do not like to use buzz player , use root explorer , but this method can only be used for those who have to have administrator privileges , or in other words rooted only:
a. open root explorer , if you do not have to download here
b.find the location of the video file that you saved .

c. click and hold the video files they will be, until the several options .
e. completed .
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Jl. Babakan Ciparay 28 Bandung RT.01 RW.08 (Belakang Jl. Jamika No.108) Bandung Jawa Barat Indonesia 40221.
(Please click image below to enlarge)
Schedule Consultation Practice and Treatment:
- Monday - Saturday : 09.00 – 17.00 WIB
- Sunday : 08.00 – 12.00 WIB
Email :
Facebook :
Phone Office : +62.22 6079822 / 6019822 (Office Hour : 09.00 – 17.00 WIB)
Fax : +62.22 6019822 (Office Hour : 09.00 – 17.00 WIB)
Mobile : 081.5711.9940 / 0878.2102.4000 / 081.214.408050 (Office Hour : 09.00 – 17.00 WIB)
Facebook :
Phone Office : +62.22 6079822 / 6019822 (Office Hour : 09.00 – 17.00 WIB)
Fax : +62.22 6019822 (Office Hour : 09.00 – 17.00 WIB)
Mobile : 081.5711.9940 / 0878.2102.4000 / 081.214.408050 (Office Hour : 09.00 – 17.00 WIB)
Method of Treatment of Hepatitis B Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin
How is Hepatitis B Treatment Methods ducted by Mrs. Traditional Medicine Center. Djamilah Najmuddin?
In dealing with complaints the patient's illness, we do not carelessly in diagnosing a disease let alone provide any drugs, traditional medicine also us not to 'spell' or 'power within'. Traditional medicine we have a clear method. Starting from the initial registration of the patient to control / check-up of the patient's condition in the future. At the start of enrollment, patients will be asked of their laboratory results (in this case of hepatitis B).
Method of Treatment of Hepatitis B Ny. Djamilah NajmuddinKemudian patient will be examined by us, then given traditional herb medicine Ny. Djamilah raciK Najmuddin who at that time to be consumed in a given time period. And to ensure the development of a patient's disease later in life, we always suggest to the patient to be checked back to the laboratory on the condition of his health. This we do know that the patient had a clear and definite about his condition and to prove that the treatment we provide real results and objective. Alhamdulillah, so far all of the patients who have been treated and followed all the direction we want, when they checked back in the laboratory, it is declared fully recovered from the illness. In fact all of our patients with hepatitis B, in one paketpun has undergone many changes, especially for patients with chronic hepatitis B who have.
Broadly speaking, we do 3 stages of treatment:
The first stage in traditional medicine is the treatment Djamilah Najmuddin stomach or digestion. Why? Because every person who suffers any disease, whether it is heavy or light, the majority of stomach problems. Hull is where the processing of all foods and beverages consumed by humans. If stomach problems, automatic organs were other problems too. So although patients taking the drug (either traditional medicine or chemical drugs) remain difficult to recover if the stomach problems, because the stomach like 'machines' in the human body that processes all the food and beverages consumed.
The second stage is the healing of disease suffered by the patient in this case is a disease of the stomach of patients with hepatitis B. Once repaired, the performance of traditional medicinal herb for hepatitis B Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin will work optimally. So do not be surprised if many of our former patients who have hepatitis B recover completely (negative for HBsAg) although only consume one to two packets (± 1 month of treatment) traditional medicine of hepatitis B. Why? Because the patient's stomach can digest and process our drugs optimally, so the treatment was running perfectly.
The third stage is the return of the patient's body energy. The third phase is intended to improve the energy again patients who had attacked drop due to an illness, for this third stage of treatment we assisted with the natural multivitamin supplement honey. An example is in the case of patients who have chronic hepatitis B. Symptoms of patients who develop acute hepatitis B, which are weak, easily tired and lethargic body. Here the task of the honey. Restore appetite and energy drop due to the patient's body is attacked by the virus of hepatitis B.
Why Should Patients Come Into Treatment Center Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin In Bandung? What Drugs Can Send Directly To The Patient Address?
The first thing we must emphasize is, we are not an herbalist or seller's agent only drugs that sell drugs without a thorough examination. We are Polyclinics where in dealing with patients who do not carelessly and recklessly. We have a responsibility when a patient comes to us with the hope Polyclinics want to get healing, and how we can serve them up if they are not met with the patient?
All patients must have a desire to get maximum service, as well as actors our clinic. We have an obligation to provide maximum service to all patients, due to changes in the patient's illness and recovery is our priority.
Laboratory How Should I Prepare When Interlocking Medication?
When you've decided to go to a traditional clinic Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin, we would be very helpful if you do a laboratory test in advance about your hepatitis B, including:
Routine Hematology / CBC: Hemoglobin, leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes, hematocrit.
Bio Chemistry - physiology Heart: SGOT, SGPT, Gamma GT, Fostafase Alkali, Total Bilirubin, Bilirubin and Albumin Direk
Immuno Serology - Hepatitis: HBeAg, HBsAg and HBsAg Quantitative
What is the Cost of Treatment of Hepatitis B in Traditional Medicine Center Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin?
Regarding the cost of treatment of hepatitis B in Traditional Medicine Center Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin and if you want to consult directly with Mrs. Djamilah, please contact directly at the phone number 022.6079822 or click on the following pages for other phone numbers:
Full Address of Traditional Medicine Center Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin.
In dealing with complaints the patient's illness, we do not carelessly in diagnosing a disease let alone provide any drugs, traditional medicine also us not to 'spell' or 'power within'. Traditional medicine we have a clear method. Starting from the initial registration of the patient to control / check-up of the patient's condition in the future. At the start of enrollment, patients will be asked of their laboratory results (in this case of hepatitis B).
Method of Treatment of Hepatitis B Ny. Djamilah NajmuddinKemudian patient will be examined by us, then given traditional herb medicine Ny. Djamilah raciK Najmuddin who at that time to be consumed in a given time period. And to ensure the development of a patient's disease later in life, we always suggest to the patient to be checked back to the laboratory on the condition of his health. This we do know that the patient had a clear and definite about his condition and to prove that the treatment we provide real results and objective. Alhamdulillah, so far all of the patients who have been treated and followed all the direction we want, when they checked back in the laboratory, it is declared fully recovered from the illness. In fact all of our patients with hepatitis B, in one paketpun has undergone many changes, especially for patients with chronic hepatitis B who have.
Broadly speaking, we do 3 stages of treatment:
The first stage in traditional medicine is the treatment Djamilah Najmuddin stomach or digestion. Why? Because every person who suffers any disease, whether it is heavy or light, the majority of stomach problems. Hull is where the processing of all foods and beverages consumed by humans. If stomach problems, automatic organs were other problems too. So although patients taking the drug (either traditional medicine or chemical drugs) remain difficult to recover if the stomach problems, because the stomach like 'machines' in the human body that processes all the food and beverages consumed.
The second stage is the healing of disease suffered by the patient in this case is a disease of the stomach of patients with hepatitis B. Once repaired, the performance of traditional medicinal herb for hepatitis B Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin will work optimally. So do not be surprised if many of our former patients who have hepatitis B recover completely (negative for HBsAg) although only consume one to two packets (± 1 month of treatment) traditional medicine of hepatitis B. Why? Because the patient's stomach can digest and process our drugs optimally, so the treatment was running perfectly.
The third stage is the return of the patient's body energy. The third phase is intended to improve the energy again patients who had attacked drop due to an illness, for this third stage of treatment we assisted with the natural multivitamin supplement honey. An example is in the case of patients who have chronic hepatitis B. Symptoms of patients who develop acute hepatitis B, which are weak, easily tired and lethargic body. Here the task of the honey. Restore appetite and energy drop due to the patient's body is attacked by the virus of hepatitis B.
Why Should Patients Come Into Treatment Center Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin In Bandung? What Drugs Can Send Directly To The Patient Address?
The first thing we must emphasize is, we are not an herbalist or seller's agent only drugs that sell drugs without a thorough examination. We are Polyclinics where in dealing with patients who do not carelessly and recklessly. We have a responsibility when a patient comes to us with the hope Polyclinics want to get healing, and how we can serve them up if they are not met with the patient?
All patients must have a desire to get maximum service, as well as actors our clinic. We have an obligation to provide maximum service to all patients, due to changes in the patient's illness and recovery is our priority.
Laboratory How Should I Prepare When Interlocking Medication?
When you've decided to go to a traditional clinic Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin, we would be very helpful if you do a laboratory test in advance about your hepatitis B, including:
Routine Hematology / CBC: Hemoglobin, leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes, hematocrit.
Bio Chemistry - physiology Heart: SGOT, SGPT, Gamma GT, Fostafase Alkali, Total Bilirubin, Bilirubin and Albumin Direk
Immuno Serology - Hepatitis: HBeAg, HBsAg and HBsAg Quantitative
What is the Cost of Treatment of Hepatitis B in Traditional Medicine Center Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin?
Regarding the cost of treatment of hepatitis B in Traditional Medicine Center Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin and if you want to consult directly with Mrs. Djamilah, please contact directly at the phone number 022.6079822 or click on the following pages for other phone numbers:
Full Address of Traditional Medicine Center Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin.
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